Sunday 12 April 2009

my story

The writing that follows was written by my self. mikayla-amy betts of 14 year of age. it's a story i wrote when i got bored and i hope you like it. it is incomplete and hardly started but i hope you enjoy it. it belongs to me so please do not post it anywhere else. please read it and tell me what you think. it doesn't actually have a name so maybe you can come up with one. thanks... mikayla xx

My story
I’ve never really thought or imagined how I would die but to be quite honest none of the things you hear about death can really prepare you. Why is it so painful? Is it too much to ask for it to end? Even in this amount of pain I can’t bring myself to regret the decisions that have lead me to this end because without them I would not have met my reason for existence, my true other half. As I look into the blood-red eyes of my pursuer all I think about is the key to my existence and how much I’ve hurt him. That pain hurts more than my many broken bones. It hurts more than my painful, slow death. Even more than the collecting pool of blood beneath me. If I’ve hurt him that much then surely i deserved to suffer. To have the most painful and worst death imaginable. With that thought I gained strength. I was ready to die and willing my hunter on, encouraging him to make it as painful and slow as possible. He smiled. Being a vampire with an extra hunting ability meant that he could hunt his prey easily and feel what they felt as he killed them. He could hear my heart beating strong deliberate beats as if to make his target even more obvious, he could feel my warm, delicious, adrenaline filled blood swimming through my veins. I was ready to die. Have all of this end and he knew it. He let out a dark laugh “well you are a peculiar, weak human aren’t you? I can see why they’re so interested in you. You smell simply delicious. What a shame poor little peter isn’t here to witness me drink your blood. I can’t wait to see their reactions when they find you here drained and dead. They won’t be able to stop themselves from avenging you. It will make my most exciting hunt yet.” I growled. This action left me breathless.Yep my ribs definitely were broken. His stance changed and his stare became more focused. This was the end. I knew it but i felt no fear, only rage because of the way he spoke about the youngs. How dare he. Peter would never track him down if he knew it would do no good except make me unhappy. Would he? I dragged myself enraged and painfully through the sharp splinters of shattered glass that lay all around me. They dragged like a hundred razor sharp blades against my skin piercing me. I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist much longer. My blood smelt too good for that. A waste as he’d called it. I stopped when i was no longer surrounded by glass or my own blood and picked up a big piece of sharp glass that dug into my hand. releasing the blood that flowed warmly under my pail skin. I knew it was a wasted try to hurt him let alone pierce his cold, steal skin but i was to angry to care. I lifted it off the hard, cold, wooden floor and threw it as hard as my weak, human muscles could bear. I gasped. Not because I knew he’d catch it faster than the speed of light. Leaving no mark of my efforts on his skin but because if my ribs were broken before they were now shattered. It took me a moment to catch my breath. Then i stared at him and shouted out in pain “Peter would never do anything like that because he knows that it would upset me if he wasted his life on you”. He laughed another dark laugh but abruptly stopped. His head shot to the right as fast as a bullet. “It seems that we are no longer alone. Your mate is here. Let’s see if what you say is true. I hope it’s not.” His smile turned into an unwelcome grimace as he growled a deep throaty sound and half a second later peter was stood in the doorway his eyes ablaze with anger and worry. It looked like he then scanned the room in a second but I’m not exactly sure. Then he found me and his eyes were locked into mine as if he was a man who had been kept in the dark all of his life and he had just found the sun at long last. Is expression changed from its angry, worried position to an apologetic, upset one. If Marcus had not crouched down in front of me I probably would still be staring into peters wonderful deep blue eyes...

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